A downloadable Generative Art for Android


Program for Generative Art, Design, Meditation and Deep Sleeping.

-The program is dedicated to the production of static or animated paintings according to the generative art style.

-After you draw a line or group of lines on the screen, and then press the button at the bottom of the screen, those lines will start moving and generating different shapes and lines.

-The shapes and lines that will appear on the screen, its slow and fluid movement, with the accompanying soundtrack, all help meditation, contemplation, and sleep.

-The program is currently in its first version, and we hope to hear your opinion on it, in order to develop it in the future.

Thank you very much.

برنامج شهرزاد للفن التوليدي، والتامل، والتنويم. يمكنك ان تصمم به خلفيات ورسوم وصور. يمكنك ان تكتب فيه وتجرب الخط العربي. يمكنك ان تستخدمه لتعليم الاطفال الكتابة. والاجمل هو ان تستخدمه قبل النوم .


Shahrazad.aab 28 MB

Install instructions

After you draw one or two lines, press the green button at the bottom and see how the lines will come to life.

At the top there is a button, after you draw click that button to see the 3D scene.

Good luck and happy journey with your breathing lines.

بعد ان ترسم خط او تكتب كلمة، اضغط على الزر الاخضر في الاسفل، لكي ترى الحياة وهي تبعث في خطوطك. 

يمكنك ايضا ان تضغط على الزر في الاعلى للانتقال الى الوضع ثلاثي الابعاد.

نرجوا لك رحلة سعيدة وانت ترى خطوطك وقد بعثت فيها الحياة.

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